Case Study

Healthy Active by Design is a program created by Heart Foundation, to provide practical guidelines for professionals to consider health impacts and benefits in the built environment.

When the program was planned to expand throughout Australia, Heart Foundation reached out to us to design a platform that would make these guidelines accessible to urban planners, developers and government experts.

We had to find effective ways to communicate large volumes of academic information to various specialists. This information was critical to bring smart environmental design to Australia’s built environment, and to support proposals and plans for a better, healthier tomorrow.

Heart Foundation Home design desktop

The team worked to create a platform with direct access to the different categories covered by the program from the homepage, allowing each expert to navigate towards relevant information. An advanced case study filtering system allowed for users to efficiently find documentation or academic sources.

The option to expand or retract large amount of information, as well as increased accessibility, quality and size of images made it easier for planners to have the evidence to support their plans and write impactful proposals.

We delivered a complete design system allowing Healthy Active by Design’s team to create pages based on a set of templates using various content blocks, allowing for a simple, accessible and efficient layout.

As the platform was designed towards professionals, the team focused on the content and added interactions only where appropriate. These simple interactions brought the paltform to life and guided users through the content without distracting from it.

Heart Foundation Home design mobileHeart Foundation search design mobile
Heart Foundation project hero design desktopHeart Foundation project page design desktop
Heart Foundation UI kit snippet